The little ghost of the First Sea Occupant caught on camera

The little ghost of the First Sea Occupant Terekam Kamera,At a depth of more than 8,000 feet below sea level has been found again a strange sea Iskan. This fish has been recorded for the first time. Scientists say this is a new species found.Snailfish is a type of fish that has 350 species. Characterized by slow moves like a snail in the Liparidae family, it has large eyes and a tapered head forming a slender body.Although this fish lives in the deep ocean, this fish is more funny than creepy. Snailfish was first discovered July 28, 2017, NOAA Office of Ocehan Exploration You Research soon released a video footage of the "new snailfish specification" on 2 August. A researcher commented on his findings "There is not a single human on Earth who has seen this fish before", said the team members with a surprised expression.
Snailfish Is one of the largest fish groups in the world. Fish has spread everywhere into a varied. Scientists were struck by the discovery of this fish in 2014, when it was discovered at 8,143 meters over five miles below sea level. This fish has managed to break the record as a fish that lives in the deepest sea in the world.Inside the sea the snailfish holds the equivalent of 1,600 elephants standing on the roof of a small car. Researchers say the findings are a new and unexpected finding.Snailfish is one of the many species observed during undersea expeditions by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrative zodiac Okeanos Explorer, conducted during sailing from Honolulu, an expedition reviewing the waters surrounding the Johnston Atoll unit in the Pacific Remote Iskandar Mariner National monument.

Source: National Geographic Indonesia,

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